2011년 1월 23일 일요일

Writing in the 1st, 2nd and 3rd Person Narratives

From now I will write in 1st, 2nd and 3rd narratives!!!
1st person :
                    I woke up at 8 :20 today. Oh My God!!!!! I am going to be late!!!!!! What am I going to do!! I quickly washed my face and changed my cloth, GLPS t-shirt, because today is the picture day. Yesterday, I studied until 12, so it's natrual to be sleepy, right?? Also, my hair is a mess. Luckliy, I have packed my bag, so I didn't have to waste my time packing bag. So, I was late on class. We did some talking about the speech contest. Lee Nauen and Choi Junyeong is our representative. How lucky are them. Except me and Yaejoon are going out the speech contest in my dormitory.  We went to the library to do some research about our next presentation. My next presentation topic is religion. All my friends say that I am lucky because there are so many books that are about the religion. Next, I moved to the debate class and our debate teacher told us that I have to go back to the computer lab. I was going to complain about it, but I changed my mind that it is good exercise.  After using computer lab, we went to the cafeteria. I studied math after lunch, and I am using computer lab now.

2st person:        
                   Yoona woke up 8:20 today. She was fastly getting ready to go to her class.  She changed her pajamas to GLPS  t-shirt, because it's her picture day as she told me.  Yesterday, I saw her studying till midnight,  so I guess it is obvious her to get sleepy. Oh my god!! Her hair is mess.  Fortunetely she packed her bag yesterday night. So,  she wasn't late. She, me and our classmates had a conversation about the speech contest. She told me that her next topic is religion. We moved to our debate class. Then, we were sent to computer lab. Now Yoona and me are in computer lab.

3rd person:
                    Yoona and Juliet woke up late today. They were going to be late for their classes. They got organized by gew minutes and was in the class in time. In history class, they talked to each other about the speech contest.  Lee Nauen and Choi Junyeong  is class 23's representative. After, that they used computer lab for debate class to research about the resolution. And now, they are in computer lab.

-The End-


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