2011년 1월 7일 금요일

Writing Chain: "...must be stopped" by class23

I think the story have gone better than I have thought.
And the story starts........

Suicide must be stopped. Suicide means people killing themelves. They do this because of the stress they get there. There are many resons.
   First, it's because of the stress they get with making friends. Some students get bullyed from their friends and have to give thir mony to them. So for the solution, the schools can put a surveillance Camera ove the school and expell the bullys from the school.
  Second, they get stress from the school test score. Just one month of ago, one middlen school student suicide because she took second place in school. Why do student study? They study to make yout life better and why are they killing themselves? Their mental power is weak. I cannot give any solution to this. I guess all  of the students parents should not say bad things to their kids. Their parents should understand their children's feeling and encourage them.
  Third is because of a studying stress. Even if you have a good score on one of test, they might get more pressure to study harder. Even if students need to study, they need to rest too. Life as a child is only once to everyone. Students should have a advantage and have a playful time. The solution of this is easy. Let the students rest for awhile and study again.
 Forth is divorcing and having family stress. If you get a family stress, which means getting hit or shouting everyday with parents and children.They can have a big stress, especially to childrens. If they saw their parents fighting everyday and one day the divorce. The child can get shock. And they will be confused what to or hang out with bad friends.
  In conclusion, suicide must be stopped. There are nm\\many causes for suicide, school stress, test stress, study stress, family stress. There are more things than this cause. Suicide is losing valuable lives. Don't we want to live life for a long time? We have to be patient about out stress and sadness. We can live a beautiful life with your patience. 
This was my Wiring Chain

댓글 1개:

  1. Good work! But we need a creative title with some Capital Letters, and I see a few spelling errors;) How about a picture and a longer introduction. What would you have done differently?
