2011년 1월 18일 화요일

My 2nd Presentation about El Cid

My 2nd character name is El Cid and specifically El Cid in exile. Now let's start......

                    " Hello, everybody, I'm Hwang Bohyun from class 23. Few days ago, we saw a movie called 'El CId'. Today, I'm going to talk about 'El Cid''s action and my opinion about since the exile of El Cid. And also the truth and false of the movie. But first I will quickly summarize the movie.
      At first, El Cid let go of Moutamin and the others when he captured them. Because of it, there was many opinion to punish El Cid for treachery. That was when Count Gormez, Ximene's father hit Don Diego, El Cid's father with glove. For a nobleman, it was disgraceful. Because Count Gormez disgrace his father's honor also because he doesn't let him meet Ximene anymore, El Cid fight with Count Gormez and killed him. Because of  her father's death, Ximene detrermine to revenge on him. Then another country asked for a duel and king Ferdinand recepted it. However, there was no champion anymore since Count Gormez died. That was when El Cid asked  to be champion and at the duel he won. Spain Moorish's kings and peers were refusing tp tribute by getting instigation from African Moorish. So, king Ferdinand senf Sancho, El Cid and Count Ordenz who is in love to Ximene for some conversation with them. While they were going, they got attacked  by Al Kadir, sultan of Valencia and Count Ordenz tried to kill him like a promise he did to Ximene. But, Moutaimin helped him and after returing back, El Cid married Ximene. After the death of King Ferdinand, Sancho and Alfonso fought over seperation of property. Sancho thought that because he is the oldest, he should he should have whole. But Alfonso's idea was to seperate like his father had told them. Sancho tried to send Alfonso to the dungeon but during the journey, El Cid helped Alfonso escaped to her sister's castle. Sancho threatened them to come out of the castle orelse he will attack it. That night Sancho was killed by a man who got a order by Princess Uracca. When Alfonso was presented as a king, El Cid made Alfonso to swear in front of a god. At that time, if they swearm the promise shouldn't be breaked or else they think they were going to hell. So, Alfonso was so furious at El Cid that he got exile.
     Then let's look in to the story deeper. In the movie they made it look like Alfonso exile El Cid because he made him swear but actually it wasn't the main reason. The major reason was El Cid's unauthorized expedition into Granda. Next, after El Cid's exile many people gathered around to follow El Cid and they stregthen themselves. By this we can know that many people really believe El Cid, 'cause it couldn't have been easy choice to follow person who are in exile. After 6years, Alfonso finally summoned El Cid because Ben Yussaf landed and he was looking for a help. El Cid asked to help with his friend, Moutamin but Alfonso refused. So, in the battle Alfonso lose I think if Alfonso have let El Cid help they could have win in the battle. El Cid was almost losing a battle with Valencia but Ximene and her two twin daugters got captured but Count Ordenz helped them escape. Then El Cid defeated Valencia. Even though many people have opinion that El Cid should be king but El Cid gave it the crown to king Alfonso. Then, El Cid fougnt Ben Yussaf with army of Valencia but he got a injured but because he knew that his soldiers wouldn't fight if they know that El Cid die, El Cid pretended not to have died and fought with them. And Ben Yussaf's soldiers got afraid and surrendered. I think that El Cid's idea of pretendingnot to have died is really sad and because even though he have died, he wanted to do something for his soldiers. If I was him, I couldn't have done it like El Cid. I really admire El Cid's courage. This was my speech of El Cid in exile. Thank you for listening."

This is the End

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