2011년 1월 11일 화요일

S.A.T Style Reflective Test: "Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter, Spring"

Hopefully you enjoyed this short film, and were inspired to write about it. I'll ask you to post this same video on your blog, together with a second draft of your essay after you are done. You can cut and paste this html code to put the video on your blog:

In the film "Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter, Spring", in the Spring, monk's boy went to the lake and the mountain and torture the fish, frog, and snake. He tortured them by roping a rock. The monk saw it and would have been angry and disappointed, but the monk didn't show any emotion on his h\face. However, he roped the big rock on to the monk's boy's back. When the monk's boy woke up, the monk told him to release the animals from the rock or you'll be always having a big rock on your heart. So, he went to the mountain to free them, but only the frog was alive and the fish and snake was dead. The monk's boy was really upset that he cried. I agree with this kind of educating student because it really effective. There are some reasons why it is influential.
First, if the monk have scolded him or hit him with not telling the reason, the monk's boy would't have been able to learn anything from it. He will think that he don't deserve it and he will also thinkg that monk is scolding him becasue he like animals more than the monk's boy. So, teachinig him how would have the animals was roped was really influential than just scolding.
Futhermore, punishing them with emotion is really essentail. Like, showing how snake and the fish died can be really emtional. Maybe, for the small child it could be hard to understand the death, but he will never forget the emtion he felt when he saw the death of the snake and the fish.
In conclusion, I like the way monk teach.

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