2011년 1월 25일 화요일

Out of My Window [Amchok]

Hello! I am Hwang bohyun from class 23. Today I am going to write an essay called " Out of my Window" . If you go to "HIGHRISE" homepage, you can find about my character Amchok. From now on, I am going to compare and contrast me and my charcter.
             My character is Amchok who lives in Tronto. He is a musician who spent his whole life sing songs and playing guitars. He isn't rich enough to live in " Western Lodge Building" which is one of the highrises in Tronto. In Tronto, there are more than 1000 residental highrises. However he cannot afford by just only playing guitars. If he want to get money from playing music, he have to be famous which he is not. Also, he met his wife while playing music. His wife is a musician too. So I think, his wife would understand not earnig money that much. If his wife was not musician but just ordinary worker, he would always hear bad things from his wife but not encouraging words. I guess from his wife encouraging him, he can do better.

            Me and my charcter, Amchok has many differences also similarities. Such as I live in highrise in Seoul but Amchok couldn't afford it. But the similarities is that we both have no power or money to live in highrise. My parents are affording it. By hearing him playing guitar, I think he could be prove to be great musician.
                                                                  -THE END-

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