2011년 1월 27일 목요일

Ode to my Brush

Ode to my Brush

Dear my brush,

Hello I am your owner and I am  using you well enough.
If  you aren't here with me, my hair will be a mess,
If  you aren't here with me , I will be called fuzzball.

There are many kinds of you.
There are round brush, thin brush, thick bursh.
Round brush is for making my hair curly.
Thick brush is for my hair to be organized.
Lastly you, thin brush is for making my hair more neatly.
I admire thin brush because I like brushing my hair neatly.

Sometime, you are made out of wood.
But, sometimes you are made out of  plstic.
Or, you might be made out of glass.

I sometimes lose you.
So, I need to lend brush from others.
I am really sorry for you and also the others.
Anyway, I love you brush.

2011년 1월 25일 화요일

Out of My Window [Amchok]

Hello! I am Hwang bohyun from class 23. Today I am going to write an essay called " Out of my Window" . If you go to "HIGHRISE" homepage, you can find about my character Amchok. From now on, I am going to compare and contrast me and my charcter.
             My character is Amchok who lives in Tronto. He is a musician who spent his whole life sing songs and playing guitars. He isn't rich enough to live in " Western Lodge Building" which is one of the highrises in Tronto. In Tronto, there are more than 1000 residental highrises. However he cannot afford by just only playing guitars. If he want to get money from playing music, he have to be famous which he is not. Also, he met his wife while playing music. His wife is a musician too. So I think, his wife would understand not earnig money that much. If his wife was not musician but just ordinary worker, he would always hear bad things from his wife but not encouraging words. I guess from his wife encouraging him, he can do better.

            Me and my charcter, Amchok has many differences also similarities. Such as I live in highrise in Seoul but Amchok couldn't afford it. But the similarities is that we both have no power or money to live in highrise. My parents are affording it. By hearing him playing guitar, I think he could be prove to be great musician.
                                                                  -THE END-

2011년 1월 23일 일요일

Writing in the 1st, 2nd and 3rd Person Narratives

From now I will write in 1st, 2nd and 3rd narratives!!!
1st person :
                    I woke up at 8 :20 today. Oh My God!!!!! I am going to be late!!!!!! What am I going to do!! I quickly washed my face and changed my cloth, GLPS t-shirt, because today is the picture day. Yesterday, I studied until 12, so it's natrual to be sleepy, right?? Also, my hair is a mess. Luckliy, I have packed my bag, so I didn't have to waste my time packing bag. So, I was late on class. We did some talking about the speech contest. Lee Nauen and Choi Junyeong is our representative. How lucky are them. Except me and Yaejoon are going out the speech contest in my dormitory.  We went to the library to do some research about our next presentation. My next presentation topic is religion. All my friends say that I am lucky because there are so many books that are about the religion. Next, I moved to the debate class and our debate teacher told us that I have to go back to the computer lab. I was going to complain about it, but I changed my mind that it is good exercise.  After using computer lab, we went to the cafeteria. I studied math after lunch, and I am using computer lab now.

2st person:        
                   Yoona woke up 8:20 today. She was fastly getting ready to go to her class.  She changed her pajamas to GLPS  t-shirt, because it's her picture day as she told me.  Yesterday, I saw her studying till midnight,  so I guess it is obvious her to get sleepy. Oh my god!! Her hair is mess.  Fortunetely she packed her bag yesterday night. So,  she wasn't late. She, me and our classmates had a conversation about the speech contest. She told me that her next topic is religion. We moved to our debate class. Then, we were sent to computer lab. Now Yoona and me are in computer lab.

3rd person:
                    Yoona and Juliet woke up late today. They were going to be late for their classes. They got organized by gew minutes and was in the class in time. In history class, they talked to each other about the speech contest.  Lee Nauen and Choi Junyeong  is class 23's representative. After, that they used computer lab for debate class to research about the resolution. And now, they are in computer lab.

-The End-


2011년 1월 18일 화요일

My 2nd Presentation about El Cid

My 2nd character name is El Cid and specifically El Cid in exile. Now let's start......

                    " Hello, everybody, I'm Hwang Bohyun from class 23. Few days ago, we saw a movie called 'El CId'. Today, I'm going to talk about 'El Cid''s action and my opinion about since the exile of El Cid. And also the truth and false of the movie. But first I will quickly summarize the movie.
      At first, El Cid let go of Moutamin and the others when he captured them. Because of it, there was many opinion to punish El Cid for treachery. That was when Count Gormez, Ximene's father hit Don Diego, El Cid's father with glove. For a nobleman, it was disgraceful. Because Count Gormez disgrace his father's honor also because he doesn't let him meet Ximene anymore, El Cid fight with Count Gormez and killed him. Because of  her father's death, Ximene detrermine to revenge on him. Then another country asked for a duel and king Ferdinand recepted it. However, there was no champion anymore since Count Gormez died. That was when El Cid asked  to be champion and at the duel he won. Spain Moorish's kings and peers were refusing tp tribute by getting instigation from African Moorish. So, king Ferdinand senf Sancho, El Cid and Count Ordenz who is in love to Ximene for some conversation with them. While they were going, they got attacked  by Al Kadir, sultan of Valencia and Count Ordenz tried to kill him like a promise he did to Ximene. But, Moutaimin helped him and after returing back, El Cid married Ximene. After the death of King Ferdinand, Sancho and Alfonso fought over seperation of property. Sancho thought that because he is the oldest, he should he should have whole. But Alfonso's idea was to seperate like his father had told them. Sancho tried to send Alfonso to the dungeon but during the journey, El Cid helped Alfonso escaped to her sister's castle. Sancho threatened them to come out of the castle orelse he will attack it. That night Sancho was killed by a man who got a order by Princess Uracca. When Alfonso was presented as a king, El Cid made Alfonso to swear in front of a god. At that time, if they swearm the promise shouldn't be breaked or else they think they were going to hell. So, Alfonso was so furious at El Cid that he got exile.
     Then let's look in to the story deeper. In the movie they made it look like Alfonso exile El Cid because he made him swear but actually it wasn't the main reason. The major reason was El Cid's unauthorized expedition into Granda. Next, after El Cid's exile many people gathered around to follow El Cid and they stregthen themselves. By this we can know that many people really believe El Cid, 'cause it couldn't have been easy choice to follow person who are in exile. After 6years, Alfonso finally summoned El Cid because Ben Yussaf landed and he was looking for a help. El Cid asked to help with his friend, Moutamin but Alfonso refused. So, in the battle Alfonso lose I think if Alfonso have let El Cid help they could have win in the battle. El Cid was almost losing a battle with Valencia but Ximene and her two twin daugters got captured but Count Ordenz helped them escape. Then El Cid defeated Valencia. Even though many people have opinion that El Cid should be king but El Cid gave it the crown to king Alfonso. Then, El Cid fougnt Ben Yussaf with army of Valencia but he got a injured but because he knew that his soldiers wouldn't fight if they know that El Cid die, El Cid pretended not to have died and fought with them. And Ben Yussaf's soldiers got afraid and surrendered. I think that El Cid's idea of pretendingnot to have died is really sad and because even though he have died, he wanted to do something for his soldiers. If I was him, I couldn't have done it like El Cid. I really admire El Cid's courage. This was my speech of El Cid in exile. Thank you for listening."

This is the End

Diamante Poetry

File:Children in a Primary Education School.JPG
small, cute
running, playing, studying
school, academy, company, workplace
working, eating, sleeping
big, tall

2011년 1월 12일 수요일

Love Like Oxygen

This is a music video of Shinee's song "Love Like Oxygen".
This a song that Shinee got the most popularity. Even though I didn't like them since that, I think their concept and the lyrics are really good. Also, the songs are really addtictive so it could be memorized easily. I think this time was the time that each member got their color. First, Key's color is pink and Jonghyun is yellow. In addtion Onew is green and Minho is blue. Lastly, Taemin's are black.
The lyrics of this song are easy to understand.

2011년 1월 11일 화요일

S.A.T Style Reflective Test: "Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter, Spring"

Hopefully you enjoyed this short film, and were inspired to write about it. I'll ask you to post this same video on your blog, together with a second draft of your essay after you are done. You can cut and paste this html code to put the video on your blog:

In the film "Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter, Spring", in the Spring, monk's boy went to the lake and the mountain and torture the fish, frog, and snake. He tortured them by roping a rock. The monk saw it and would have been angry and disappointed, but the monk didn't show any emotion on his h\face. However, he roped the big rock on to the monk's boy's back. When the monk's boy woke up, the monk told him to release the animals from the rock or you'll be always having a big rock on your heart. So, he went to the mountain to free them, but only the frog was alive and the fish and snake was dead. The monk's boy was really upset that he cried. I agree with this kind of educating student because it really effective. There are some reasons why it is influential.
First, if the monk have scolded him or hit him with not telling the reason, the monk's boy would't have been able to learn anything from it. He will think that he don't deserve it and he will also thinkg that monk is scolding him becasue he like animals more than the monk's boy. So, teachinig him how would have the animals was roped was really influential than just scolding.
Futhermore, punishing them with emotion is really essentail. Like, showing how snake and the fish died can be really emtional. Maybe, for the small child it could be hard to understand the death, but he will never forget the emtion he felt when he saw the death of the snake and the fish.
In conclusion, I like the way monk teach.

2011년 1월 7일 금요일

Writing Chain: "...must be stopped" by class23

I think the story have gone better than I have thought.
And the story starts........

Suicide must be stopped. Suicide means people killing themelves. They do this because of the stress they get there. There are many resons.
   First, it's because of the stress they get with making friends. Some students get bullyed from their friends and have to give thir mony to them. So for the solution, the schools can put a surveillance Camera ove the school and expell the bullys from the school.
  Second, they get stress from the school test score. Just one month of ago, one middlen school student suicide because she took second place in school. Why do student study? They study to make yout life better and why are they killing themselves? Their mental power is weak. I cannot give any solution to this. I guess all  of the students parents should not say bad things to their kids. Their parents should understand their children's feeling and encourage them.
  Third is because of a studying stress. Even if you have a good score on one of test, they might get more pressure to study harder. Even if students need to study, they need to rest too. Life as a child is only once to everyone. Students should have a advantage and have a playful time. The solution of this is easy. Let the students rest for awhile and study again.
 Forth is divorcing and having family stress. If you get a family stress, which means getting hit or shouting everyday with parents and children.They can have a big stress, especially to childrens. If they saw their parents fighting everyday and one day the divorce. The child can get shock. And they will be confused what to or hang out with bad friends.
  In conclusion, suicide must be stopped. There are nm\\many causes for suicide, school stress, test stress, study stress, family stress. There are more things than this cause. Suicide is losing valuable lives. Don't we want to live life for a long time? We have to be patient about out stress and sadness. We can live a beautiful life with your patience. 
This was my Wiring Chain

2011년 1월 6일 목요일

Pop Song Contest

This weekend is the Pop Song Contest.
But, we haven't pratice for it once, so we are going to meet tonight.
The song we are going to sign is Miley Cyrus's "Best of Both World".
We have chosen it because it doesn't have part that are high.
Also it's because many of the girls know the lyrics.
I wish our class win and get some treats.

2011년 1월 4일 화요일


Hello My name is Key because I like SHINee espacially Key.
SHINee is a famous singing group that SM ENTERTAINMENT made.
SM ENTERTATINMENT have mad "Girl"s Generation" and "Super Junuior" to life.
SHINee's leader is Onew who is 23 years old now.
And the main vocal is Jonghyun.
Key is the most handsome and cute and attractive person in the whole world.
Minho is a lapper in SHINee.
Finally, Taemin is the cutest one in the group.
See you next time